1) How To Pass The PMP On The First Try
My new podcast just came out today where I was interviewed by Helena Liu for ExamsPM Summit 2017 (filled with PMP tips!)
It’s based on the more than 200 PMP Prep classes I’ve given for NYU, the US Army, Fordham University, and many other companies and government agencies.
2) Two more podcasts are ALSO included Free thru Sunday:
- Leaping From Full-Time To Contract Project Manager – With Barry Hodge
- Agile Methodologies: Scrum – With Shane Drumm
3) Exams PM Summit 2017 – Premium Pass (LINK)
If you buy the Premium Pass at the above link, you’ll get access to 12 podcasts / videos (from all the speakers pictured above).
My PMP Book: The Project Management Answer Book, 2nd Edition